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Movie Costume Study

Lord of the Rings Costume

King Kong Costumes

Costume Exhibits

Future Fashion Design

Halloween Events in LA

* * * * *

(navigation for this little corner)

Costume News!
Photo Fantasy
Cat's Corner
About Us
Site Map
Search Us





The goal of this site is to act as a news and educational source.  It is planed to be very dynamic, keeping the information as up to date as possible.  The main focus is costuming, and learning to sew via costumes

In October 2007 we became a full 501(c)(3) educational group.

2008 will be a major transition year for us as we move onto a new software platform.  Please excuse dead links and the occasional navigations problems.  Please feel free to contact us via our Yahoo costume discussion groups (listed on the front page) or off line for help locating info you need during this transition.

Originally AlleyCatsSratch.com was being setup to be a place to look for costuming information centering in Southern California as well as detailed Future Fashion Folio information. Along the way, Lord of the Rings Costume took over the site... and suddenly we became a major movie costume website and found we were teaching sewing over the internet.  Once upon a time it was the home site of Cat Devereaux, though that's now tucked away in Cat's Corner waiting for her to catch up on everything else.  So, yes, things are  bit blended, but we're working on untangling the threads.

If you have information, articles or news that you feel would fit in with this site, contact us. The net allows us to extend our community from just the people we live near to those that can connect though out the world.  But as we do that, sometimes it's harder to get the details right so we can all "play" together.  Hopefully this site helps just a little.

Main Contacts:   


Cat Devereaux can be reached at CatDevereaux@alleycatscratch.com.

Costume questions can be handled though our yahoo groups, or  rings@alleycatscratch.com

bulletOur Yahoo Discussion Groups
bulletLOTR Costume Discussion
bulletF-Costume - Fantasy, Science Fiction and Movie Costume Discussion
bulletCostume Gathers, Conventions and Meet-up Discussions

The Webmaster and site mascot can be reached at daCat@alleycatscratch.com.

More contact info can be found <here>

Other folk's e-mail will be listed with the article, when in doubt, contact the mascot.

Help us out!  Keep us running

    If we've helped you on costume research, please consider a donation to keep us going -- even if it is just $5 (that's less than the cost of a pattern). 

This is an all volunteer study group.  We run on donations.  We would love some help to defray the costs of maintaining this website.  Donations would help us continue to reach out... to help, to teach...and infect them with the Joy of Costuming.

Alley Cat Scratch Costume is an undesignated nonprofit organization operating under the Educational classification of the 501(c)3 code for unassociated corporations.

We focus on all aspects of costuming, teaching and encouraging how to make costumes and accessories, and providing avenues to acquire items necessary for costuming.

Cafe Press Merchandise

Another way to help us out  is to check out our merchandise over on Cafe Press .  Show your pride and obsession.  You've got artwork options and fun quotes to choose from

Linking to this site: 

Please link to us... that's what the site is here for, especially the News Flash section.

Given that this site is VERY dynamic... please be careful if you link any place other than the main index or mail spots listed below.  I do not guarantee anything buried in the sub-directories will stay in it's spot.  I will clean up old news to make it easier to read this site.  We're over 1500 pages and still growing, so don't be afraid to use Search

Please do not just link to a photo or drawing, link to a section header.

Safe Internal  Site Links:

bulletNews Flash  - www.alleycatscratch.com/newsflash.htm
bulletThe link is never going anywhere.  It jumps straight to the News Flash section of the web.  It is the best link into my site if you wish to bypass the pictures and articles.
bulletHowever, any links that are not a document directly under News Flash are subject to contact rearrangement.  If you're not sure, just contact me.
bulletPhoto Fantasy - www.alleycatscratch.com/Photo.htm
bulletThis will lead to the photo section that will expand soon
bulletFuture Fashion Design Center - http://www.alleycatscratch.com/ffashion/ 
bulletThe fashion design line figures for drawings designs are here.
bulletThis is technically a separate web.  It's under major construction but useful as is.
bulletLOTR Costume - www.alleycatscratch.com/lotr
bulletKing Kong Costume - www.alleycatscratch.com/kong
bulletCostume Exhibits - www.alleycatscratch.com/exhibit
bulletMovie Costume Study - www.alleycatscratch.com/movie