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How to get something in News Flash

That's real simple, just contact me.

If you need web space that can be updated frequently, I'm glad to help with most  projects.  This is not just for costuming, but it's what I'm closest too. This whole section started as a way to get info on the web for sites that could not be updated for a variety of reasons.  Items can be up for a month or six, it just depends on their relevance.  (Old items are in the Graveyard.)  

If you just need space quickly for a few weeks  (or longer) while your site is getting repaired or need something that short terms need a lot of space, I can help there too.

This site has no banner, no adds, no issues of a big company grabbing the copyright with no warning.

The Link

If you want to add a link on your site to share the information, feel free.  Link to For other stable links in Alley Cat Scratch, see the Link information section

News Flash Origins

bulletWhat's here?  
bulletUpdated news to quick moving items.  I'll include basic information and then links back to the main pages. I items here are covered in as much detail as required to update you... sometimes this is done as an extension of official web sites.  (See the bottom of any section for details about why the information is here if that's the case.)  
bulletWell, it seems that often I end up with the "breaking news" information.  Often it's because I've volunteered, of course.  Some times I come in as a problem solver, expediter or backup.  
bulletOther times, I'm just helping get the information out.  
bulletI've got the ability to quickly update my pages and can do it myself.  Therefore, information here may be more current than web pages where the owners have to contact a webmaster for changes.
bulletThe site is wholly owned by me, so there's no worry about copyright stealing by one of the big dot coms saying it's "mine" now.
bulletWhose info?  
bulletYou'll see information that may be from many different sources.  Some will be web pages and some won't.  It could be businesses, events or personal.  I work & play with an eclectic assortment of folks so, it's always a grab bag.
bulletIf you have any questions of the validly of the information, please contact the main organization involved.  I always include links or contact info in my news bits.  You can also contact me, and discuss my sources.  (The odder the news, the more I'll define my sources.)
bulletOften, notices that this information is here will come from a newsgroup posting.  This section just keep the info out there and listed for as long as needed without bombarding a people in a newsgroup with info for just a select group of folks.
bulletThe information comes from all over.  Some items may come from friends who need to get info out quickly.
bulletIf you've got some news that you want a quick link on the web to, ask me to help.
bulletHow come?
bulletI can't help it.  I get involved. I can do the web pages. I expedite. (OK, so my friends say I volunteer them in the process.  Well, sometimes... <G>)  I like helping solve things.  Maybe this will help.

-Cat Devereaux-

This page last updated: 07/27/09